Shamara Clark, MS, CTRS
Recreational Therapist
Shamara is from Bloomington, IN. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Therapy from Chicago State University in Chicago, IL and a Master’s in Recreation Therapy from Indiana University in Bloomington, IN. She has 11-years of Recreational Therapy experience. During her career, she has practiced as a therapist in home health, community based, and most recently in-patient mental health at the Phoenix Department of Veteran Affairs. She also holds certifications as a CTRS, QID, and working towards her NCTRC specialization in mental health. During her tenure at the VA she represented the mental health department at the Phoenix VA’s Diversity Committee.
Fun facts about Shamara is that she played collegiate volleyball while at Chicago State, she loves spending time with her husband and dog Roux, whether that be hiking, camping, traveling, going for walks, family time at the gym, or cooking. She also is a fanatic of Shrek and The Golden Girls, lover of games and puzzles and has found a love for the sport of Formula 1 Racing. What makes Shamara so passionate about her career this field is being able to increase other’s abilities and make a noticeable difference in her others lives.